Chapter 895: "We're all in the sclothing business. Do you really have to be this cutthroat?" The suited man responded with a cold, mocking laugh. "This is business, Mr. Calderon, not a charity case." Grinding his teeth, Luka shot back, “Even if Timeless Elegance sinks into bankruptcy, I'll never hand it over to you." "And what about your workers? Have you thought of them?" The suited man raised an eyebrow and asked.
As if on cue, a group of people burst into the room. These were Timeless Elegance's employees, many of whom had been with the company for years.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtAll eyes were on Luka. Their faces were a mix of emotions-saverted their gazes with quiet shame, while others barely concealed their simmering anger.
"What are you all doing here?" Luka asked sharply, a deep frown etched on his face.
Instinctively, he felt the situation slipping out of his control.
An older employee stepped forward.
"Mr. Calderon, do you know how long I've worked here?" мояє ордатеs іn gal.фом "Five years and three months," Luka replied without hesitation, his voice firm and unwavering.
The answer stopped the man short. He hadn't expected Luka to recall such a detail, let alone with such certainty. For a brief moment, the man faltered. But he shook off his hesitation, a flicker of resolve returning as he said gravely, "You have a good memory, Mr. Calderon. But do you also remember that you promised us salary increases when things got better? Over all these years, not a single cent has been added to our wages. Most of us stayed because we love this brand. Now, with such a golden opportunity in front of us, you can't afford to be selfish." The suited man's taunts hadn't fazed Luka, but the heartfelt words from his own employee cut through him like a knife. A chill settled in his voice as he asked, "Do you think I've been unfair to you? And this so-called 'golden opportunity' you're talking about— is it selling the company?" "This gentleman here said that if you agree to the acquisition, all of our wages will increase by a thousand dollars. He's not trying to corner us, Mr. Calderon—he's offering us a way forward. Homelight Enterprise is promising to invest in us and promote the Timeless Elegance brand globally." The employee's excitement was palpable, and murmurs of agreement rippled through the group.
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Pleading eyes turned toward Luka, silently urging him to reconsider.
Luka's hands clenched tighter. He had always believed he'd done right by his employees. Even as the brand struggled and revenues dwindled, he had never once docked their pay. He even counted their frequent absences as full attendance.
Luka had always extended a helping hand to employees grappling with family troubles, but he hadn'to m apticipated that everyone would view the situation this way. Lina observed the unfolding scene with quiet satisfaction.