Chapter 47 Helping My Son Win His Girl Back "If the restaurant is going as well as you say, why don't you look like someone celebrating success?"1 asked, my voice low but direct.
Adrian mumbled something I couldn't make out, clearly embarrassed.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtI took a deep breath. “Letguess she hasn't taken you back?" He looked up briefly, then nodded, looking ashamed. "She's not taking my calls or replying to my messages. I've tried everything you toldto do... Dad, she just won't listen." I sighed, rubbing my temples. "Cheating is serious, Adrian. It destroys relationships. You know that "I paused, letting the truth sink in.
He looked away, shwritten all over his face. I could see how the guilt was eating him up. It was hard to see him like this, and it brought back my own painful memories. I remembered how Angelique, my ex wife, had an affair with my closest friend because I wasn't earning enough at the time. Her cruel justification, "I did it for you," had shattered me, leavingbroken in ways I hadn't fully understood until now.
"Especially knowing what it did to me," I continued, my voice strained. "You remember what your mom did to me, don't you?" Adrian's gaze fell to the table, guilt lining his features. “Dad... Mom's situation was different." I clenched my jaw, feeling the old pain in my chest. The betrayal still felt so fresh, no matter how hard I'd tried to bury it. I wanted to open up to show Adrian the depth of my hurt, but the wounds were too raw. I wanted him to understand without dragging him into my own dark past don't want to get into that," I said quickly cutting off the painful memories. "Adrian, I tried to protect you from the consequences. But if she's strong enough to walk away maybe it's tto move on." His voice cracked with hurt. "How can you say that, Dad?" "Because it's the truth," I replied firmly "She may never forgive you, not after what she saw. That image doesn't just disappear. You need to learn from this and move on. Don't let it drag you down." Adrian nodded, but his eyes stayed fixed on the table. “I don't think I can, Dad. I love her too much. I don't know how to let go. She would make the perfect wife... and I could finally feel settled. Especially with how the girls are these days... she's different. She's sweet, supportive..." "Whoa, Adrian, slow down," I interrupted, sensing he was getting lost in his own words. "I get that you care about her, but marriage is a long way off. And right now, it sounds like you're clinging to her because she seems convenient for you." "That's not what I mean, Dad," he protested. "After what happened with Mom, I need someone I can trust. Someone who wouldn't hurtlike she did to you." I paused, studying his face. "And you think she's that person?" "She is." His voice was serious. “I know I messed up. That's why I want to fix it so badly, but I don't know what to do. That's why I need your help." Adrian's plea hithard. I exhaled slowly, knowing he was hurting, and as much as I wanted to help him, I couldn't fix everything for him. Sproblems he had to figure out on his own. "Adrian, there's not much I can do here. She walked in on you cheating. That image doesn't just go away." f His expression tightened, and he looked up at me, his eyes desperate. "Dad, please. I don't know what else to do. Maybe if you talked to her, convinced her I've changed." I frowned, shaking my head. "That's not how this works, Adrian. You can't just useto clean up your mess." "Dad... you've had more experience with women than I have. Help me. I'm fucking losing it," he pleaded, desperation clear in his voice.
"Language," I warned, my tone stern.
"Sorry, Dad." "Adrian, you need to understand that I've never cheated on anyone because I've always been honest about the terms of the relationship. I don't make promises I can't keep. Haven't you listened to anything I've taught you all these years?" "Dad... I have. Your golden rule is: never make a promise you can't keep. But I didn't mean to hurt her." "So says every liar and cheat," I shot back, my voice cold. I realized I had been too soft on him. It was tto tell him the harsh truth, even if he didn't want to hear it.
"Dad, I asked you here to help, not to judge me," Adrian said, his voice trembling. "The guilt is killing me. I just need my dad right now." I looked at him, torn. No matter how frustrated I felt, he was still my son. I couldn't turn him away. "Fine. What exactly do you want from me?" "I was hoping I could convince her to meet with you. So you could tell her that I've changed and I'm ready to be a better man for her," he said, his eyes full of hope.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"That's a weak plan, Adrian. You screw up and crunning to daddy to fix it," I said, my tone sarcastic, frustration growing in my voice.
He slumped back in his chair, looking defeated. “That's all I've got left.'
As much as I wanted to say no to Adrian and tell him to clean up the mess he created without my help, I couldn't turn my only child away at his lowest. "Get her to answer your calls and set up a meeting," I said slowly "I'll do my best, but the choice remains hers." "Thanks, Dad," Adrian said, pullinginto a quick hug. "I appreciate it.” I smiled softly, patting his back. "Don't get too excited. You still have a long way to go." "I know that, Dad," Adrian smiled, light returning to his eyes. "Thank you for showing up. We need to order drinks so we can make a toast to winning the love of my life back." A few moments later, our orders and drinks arrived. We raised our glasses in a toast.
"To you winning the love of your life back," I said, clinking my glass with Adrian's.
"She's different, Dad," Adrian repeated, his eyes shining with m conviction" can't wait for you to meet her. You won't regret this, Dad. She's going to blow you away."
I chuckled softly as Adrian rambled on about this "love of his life.” It was rare to see him fight for someone like this or speak so passionately about anything. The Adrian I knew was selfish and always put himself first. But the man sitting in front ofnow was apologetic, honest, and determined to fix his mistakes. His change in attitude madecurious. Who was this woman who had him so wrapped around her finger? What made her so special that Adrian was willing to swallow his pride and ask for my help just to get her back? I suddenly beceager to meet with her.