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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 486
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Chapter 0486 Nina The familiar scent of henveloped me, instillingwith a sense of calm as I walked through the front door. The bag of medications and pamphlets was still clutched tightly in my hand, but I wasn't quite ready to face reality and read what the doctor had given me. Not yet, at least.

with a sigh, I shuffled to the living room and slumped onto the couch, sinking into its plush pillows. My body felt weak and deflated, like a balloon that was half-empty. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to have Enzo's arms around me. And for a brief second, I almost grabbed my phone to give him another call.

But I couldn't. I imagined that he was busy meeting the team and having a good time-or at least, that was what I hoped. And I didn't want to be the person responsible for ruining that. Besides, thanks to the medicine the doctor gave me, my stomach no longer felt as though it was turning inside out. Maybe, I thought to myself, I could actually bring myself to eat sfood after I had srest.

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Just as I was about to succumb to the pull of exhaustion, a knock on the door joltedfrom my stupor. A quick glance at the clock toldit was already past noon. Who could it be? With a groan, I pushed myself up from the couch and made my way to the door.

As I opened it, my eyes met Luke's concerned gaze. The expression on his face shifted from casual friendliness to worry in an instant.

"Nina... you look like hell. What happened?" "Thanks, Luke," I said with a half-laugh as I opened the door a little wider. He stepped inside, but his gaze was too knowing still. It was especially so as his eyes wandered across the mess: uneaten takeout containers, tangled blankets, and pillows on the floor.

"Have a party last night and not invite me?" he asked.

I hesitated, my mouth opening and closing as I wondered how much to reveal. "It... was a long night," I finally said.

Luke walked past me, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for clues about my current state. "A long night at the hospital, you mean," he finally said, his eyes narrowing as he spotted the bag of medications on the coffee table.

*You always were too perceptive for your own good," I muttered, returning to the couch and sinking into its soft cushions.

Luke sat down beside me, the lines of worry in his face deepening. "Talk to me, Nina. What's going on?" I took a deep breath, my eyes dropping to my hands that were nervously fidgeting in my lap. It was no use trying to keep the truth from Luke, that much was true. "I'm pregnant, Luke." Luke looked stunned, his mouth hanging open for a few seconds before he managed to speak. "Wow, that's...that's big, Nina. Have you told Enzo?" The mere mention of Enzo's ntightened the knot in my stomach. "No. And I'm thinking might not." Luke's eyes narrowed. "What are you saying?"

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I sighed. "I'm considering... maybe having an abortion without telling him. This would be so hard on both En: of us, Luke. On our relationship."

Luke looked at me, and for the first tever, I saw what almost appeared to be a hint of anger in his eyes. "You can't be serious, Nina. You can't make that kind of decision all on your own. Enzo would never forgive you for it."

I blinked, taken aback by the forcefulness of his response. And as his words sank in, a fresh wave.

realization washed Xverme. He was right. I was letting my fear and uncertainty cloud my judgment. This wasn't just about me; it was about usand Enzo. And he deserved to be a part of whatever decision was made. RULE #1 choose married women They have reason to keep things secret, as do you.