Chapter 0801 "Serenity, Alden..." Maximus said, watching as they checked on Ethan, making sure he was still asleep in the car. "Maximus..." Serenity said softly, looking somewhat embarrassed.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"Alden, you and I talked about this... What happened?" "Dad... Maximus... He and I love each other. That should be enough for us to be together," Serenity said, cutting Alden off.
"Serenity, sweetheart... I know I haven't been in your life for long, and I'm probably the last person who should be questioning you-I know that! But have you two even thought about how Marcus and Mary are going to react?" Maximus asked seriously.
"Uncle... I know you and I talked about this, but... It just happened. Nothing was planned. I love your daughter, and I'm not going to leave her," Alden said firmly.
"I'd kill you if you did!" Maximus snapped, his eyes locking onto Serenity's small baby bump. "God... Do you two have any idea what you're dragginginto? Your mother is going to want to kill us all. I have no idea how she'll react. And Alden, have you even thought about your father? "We didn't expect them to be here!" Alden admitted, feeling guilty. "We planned to tell them tomorrow... Well, in a few hours." "Serenity, Alden... I won't lie and say I'm happy about this, but I'm not going to abandon you either. I appreciate that you wanted to tellfirst, but you need to sit down and talk to Mary and Marcus. It won't be easy, but if I were you, I'd take advantage of the fact that your father is in a calmer state right now," Maximus said, looking directly at Serenity.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Maximus... Do you think he'll react badly to my baby? To my relationship with Alden?" Serenity asked, a little scared.
"Serenity, I don't think anyone is going to congratulate you Honestly, I'm trying to stay rational here. What father sends his daughter on a trip and expects her to cback pregnant and with a partner? I don't think any father would take that well. But at the stime, I also know I'm the last person who should be judging." "Uncle, I know this isn't what you expected from me, but I swear to you, I will take care of Serenity and our child. We're ready to fight for our love. My father taughtto face anything that comes my way," Alden said with determination, wrapping his arms protectively around Serenity.
"Alden, I don't doubt that. I don't know you that well, but I know what you're capable of-you've already proven that to us. But I just need you tom I remember one thing.. Mary, your father, Marcus.... even I-we all share a complicated history. That's going to be your biggest obstacle. If you're both truly willing to face whatever comes your way, then go ahead. I don't like how this happened, but I won't leave you alone. I'll support you.'
Maximus looked at the young couple, and for a moment, he saw a reflection of the past-of Mary and his brother. Back when Peter hach protected Mary with everything he had. It was as if fate was mocking them, repeating history. He didn't want tragedy to strike again. He had already seen Marcus's dark side, and he didn't want anything bad to happen to Serenity, her baby, or Alden-his nephew, the father of his grandchild.
Silently, he made a decision. If ted like he did m Marcus opposed this relationship and reacted like he did last time, Maximus would do whatever it took to protect them. He had already seen one love story with a future fall apart. He wouldn't let it happen again.