Chapter 002&
Chapter 0926
Maximus pulled out his phone and called Magnus, askingm to bring Aria. His father was confident everything
would go well, so he had already set off. He was bringing al three guests with him since Danielle, still somewhat
distrustful, refused to leave the woman who had been by her side for nearly ten years and whom she had come
to see as a mother.
“Aria, it’s tfor you to finally meet your son. His nPeter Palmer,” Magnus said, anticipating that his son
might have forgotten to mention it..
Aria felt like her knees were about to give out. Suddenly, she was dizzy, clutching the seat for support. Her heart
pounded furiously-48 years without her son, 48 years without knowing him. That was a long time. Panic started
to creep in.
“What if he doesn’t accept me? What if he blamesfor everything? What if he only wants to seeto meet
the woman who abandoned him?” she asked, overwhelmed by doubt.
“Aria, dear! Calm down. You're here now. You made it. Now, take a deep breath and get out of this car with the
sdetermination you had when you left town, with the scourage you had when you decided to follow
Maximus. You're going to go in there and meet Peter. Got it? We didn’t call this way for you to back out
now,” Danielle reassured her, trying to encourage her.
“Yes, Grandma Aria! You're really good with kids. I'm sure he’ll love you. He has to love you,” Ellie chimed in.
In her mind, Ellie still imagined Peter as a child, a little boy She couldn’t comprehend that the child in question
was actually a 48-year-old man.
“Alright, ladies, they just opened the door. There’s no turning back now,” Magnus announced.
“No, Mr. Magnus, there’s no turning back,” Danielle agreed. “Aria’s just nervous, but we're here, and we're not
leaving. Right, Aria?”
“Y-yes... I'm not running away,” Aria said, her voice a mix of fear and nerves.
Meanwhile, Peter was pacing back and forth like a caged lion, moving from one side of his study to the other.
“Why are they taking so long?” he asked, frustrated.
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“Peter, relax. It’s only been fifteen minutes. They're coming from the center of Valeria.”
Just then, there was a knock on the door. Peter immediately rushed over and flung it open, startling the person
on the other side.
“Celeste, sweetheart, what is it?” he asked, still anxious.
“I cto check on you. Serenity and Emma are watching the babies, but they toldyou've been locked in
here with your brother for a while, so | wanted to see if everything was okay.”
“Nothing's wrong, Celeste. We're just... waiting for someone.”
“Oh! Are we expecting guests?”
“Yeah, something like that. But don’t worry, it’s nothing bad... Celeste! My mother! My mother isn’t dead-she’s
alive, and she’s on her way here!”
Celeste didn’t understand what was going on, but she knew she’d get an explanation soon enough. For now, she
didn’t want to ruin the moment with unnecessary questions.
Two or three minutes later, the butler was opening the front door.
Chapter 0926.
“Wow! Mom, Grandma, this house is huge! These people live in massive and beautiful houses!” Ellie exclaimed
the moment she stepped inside.
For a little girl who had grown up in a quiet but old-fashioned town, seeing a place like this was overwhelming
“Ellie, calm down. No wandering around the house. Stay here with us,” Danielle said, noticing her daughter's
eagerness to go exploring.
“Alright, Mom...” Ellie pouted.
“Don't worry, little one. Maybe you
can go out to the garden for 2-pitand
play there. ymysare Jolt like it,”
Madhus offered, trying to cheer her
up. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Aria watched the scene unfold, but
she had no words. She was
lost-completely lost in the
overwhelming sf whoher
spoyaRlioryéi she had
fantasized about his face, always
wondering what he might look like.
Leonardo had shown her pictures
before, and now Maximus had too,
but looking at a photograph was one
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thing- feeling his presence was
something else entirely. The content
is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Peter's attention was fixed on the
front entrance. Through the window,
he saw Magnus's car pull up, and,
without thinking headed from the
study. in freart was racing, pounding
so hard it felt like it might burst from
his chest. He still couldn't fully
process the news, but something
inside him told him to go—to run to
the entrance. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Chapter 0927