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Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Chapter 120
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Chapter 123 Before anyone spoke, lake moved from the side of the bed and carefully pickedup so I was cuddled in his lap. I knew he wouldn't letgo anytsoon, so I got comfortable and waited for them to begin. Patrick and Josh moved closer to me, and then Patrick started talking When we returned to the house, we realized you were gone. We immediately pulled up the security camera recordings and saw the man in a pizza delivery uniform carrying you out of the house and driving off a few minutes later." Patrick let out a shuttering breath, reaching for my hand and kissing my palm.

Josh continued, giving Patrick a minute to collect himself." Patrick was on the phone with his dad, and I was trying to reach Drew and Mike to tell them what had happened and to get them home." Drew and Mike stepped closer, each resting a hand on my legs. Taking a steadier breath, Patrick continued." I got ahold of the dad's, and lan began working on getting access to the traffic cameras; the others started. reaching out to friends and acquaintances they knew could be of shelp: Patrick paused again, looking atcarefully. "I'm okay, I promise," I assured him. 1 remember ordering a pizza and going downstairs to meet the delivery guy. He injectedwith something that knockedout, and everything got fuzzy after that." I shrugged, taking a deep breath, hoping to calm myself. jake tightened his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. "Sweetheart, you were missing for four days before we rescued you, and we were all so worried," Jake placed another kiss on my head, and left the others to continue the story.

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"We began looking into anyone who had a grudge against us, and discovered you father had gotten released from jail, with lan's help we began tracing his movements and found out he was planning on selling you to pay off a debt he accrued while in jail, Patrick continued.

"I remember sof that," I said from Jake's lap. I was awake for a little while and two guys cdown to drug me, I was pretending to be asleep and one of them started to touch me." Angry growles interrupted me, and Jake held ontotighter. My father was standing at the top of the stairs and stopped them before one of them got more then a hand under my shirt, and told them not to touch me, that I needed to be ready to work. It makes more sense now though." I could feel my body tremble at the thought of what could have happened to me. Josh took a seat next to his twin and took my hand.

"You're sale now baby girl, no one will ever hurt you again." Josh promised. I nodded laying my head against Jake's chest again.

"Tan was able to find out where they were holding you, and we met up with the dad's and their men. Along with Drew and Mike we surrounded the house, took out the men that were in the house, and rescued you." Patrick finished. All the guys were watchingcarefully, seeing how I would react the the news that my father was dead. Honestly I was releaved. If my father had gotten away I would have spent the rest of my life looking over my shoulder worried he would reapear, with snew kidnapping plot.

"Guys I'm ok I'm not upset that my father is dead." I found myself saying before giving them each a tired smile. "Thank you for rescuing me, I love you all with all my heat" A yawn escaped before I could stop in, and I cuddled closer to Jake, I was still feeling tired, and all I wanted to do was sleep, but I wanted them all to stay. Waking up alone would be terrifying, and I knew it would be a long tbefore I would be able to sleep without a light on. Before I could say anything else, the door opened and a nurse cin.

-Since you slept through lunch dear, I brought you ssmall snacks to tide you over. Having something on your stomach will help you feel better as well. She waded through the guys and set down a couple juice boxes, scheese, crackers, and jello. I thanked her as she left, and Josh handeda juice box, and opened scrackers for me. I was happily munching on my snacks when another nurse cin asking if I was ready for my x-rays. The last thing I wanted to do was leave my guys, and asked if one of them could go withand just wait outside while the x-mys were taken.

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Mike cwith me, and in no twe were back, and another nurse was waiting to draw sblood for testing. By the tshe left I was more then ready to be done with being poked and proded. Drew had traded places with Jake, and I smuggled into his lap, and even managed a short nap, before the doctor cback. The good news was that I was going to get my cast off before I went home. The bad news was that he wantedto stay until tomorrow for observation. My blood work looked good, but with everything I had been through, the doctor wanted to wait

I spent the rest of the afternoon cuddled up in one of the guy's laps. I did insist that the guys go get food, when my dinner was delivered They finally agreed once lake insisted that he was staying with me, the others promised to bring him back something, and after another round of kisses they left. Jake had stayed close toall day, and as I ate he sat next to me, flipping through the TV channels until he found a sitcom, we both liked.

When the guys returned from dinner they found Jake and I cuddled together on the bed, both asleep. The left his dinner, along with a treat for me, on the bedside table with a note promising to be back first thing in the morning with coffee, and breakfast.

be table! When the nurse woke us stlater, she offered to re heat lakes dinner, and then show him how to turn the visitor chair into a bed. While Jake ate, I enjoyed my treat which happened to be a giant chocolate chip cookie that was almost as big as my hand. Full of chocolaty goodness, I was asleep before Jake even finished his dinner.

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