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The Alpha's Fated Outcast: Rise Of The Moonsinger by Ejiofor Dorcas

Chapter 154
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154 Nymeris Ill

Lyla (Nymeris) POV

Suddenly, Nymeris’s cars twitched. A faint sound a distant scratching had caught her


Without hesitation, she turned and started running in the direction of the scratch. She tore through the forest

with a speed that felt both exhilarating and terrifying. As she ran, trees blurred past us, the wind howling in my

ears, and then it was as if | had done

this before.

Fragments of memories flooded into my mind.

| saw myself two nights ago, transforming into Nymeris and racing through the forest, my heart pounding with

adrenaline. And then, in the end, lying down at the sclearing where she had finally manifested.

My eyes widened in surprise literally as the realization hit me. All those mornings | had woken up in the forest

looking like I had just survived a fight, it was because | had cfor a run. How was this possible? How could

Nymeris transform withoutknowing?

“Nymeris,” | called her in my mind, trying to make sense of it. “Those mornings in the forest... it was you?”

“I tried to tell you,” she said in between gasps. “I had no other choice but to do it. Lives had to be saved.”

“Lives? What do you mean? What are you talking about? How can you transform withoutknowing? Like

there's no vivid collection except waking up in the morning and finding myself lying now in the forest with my

clothes dirtied and scratches all over my arms. Why didn’t you say something, at least? Do you know how

worried | was?”

“Because | couldn't communicate with you, Lyla. For sreason, | was able to act independently of you. Since

you are my host, it felt as if | could make decisions to rouse you and transform, and before you ask me, | don’t

have an explanation for that.”


My question was cut short as Nymeris burst into a clearing. The light from the Moon was fading, and dawn was

slowly streaking into the sky. Nymeris paused, her eyes searching the tall trees barely illuminated by the light

from the moon.

Her senses were sharpened, and her body tensed immediately as their scent wafted up to us. | gasped with

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

shock when | saw them - Feral wolves, slowing coming out of the


154 Nymeris

Her senses were sharpened, and her body tensed immediately as their scent wafted up to us. | gasped with

shock when | saw them - Feral wolves, slowing coming out of the trees. They were snarling and growling, their

eyes glowing red as they advanced toward


There were at least a dozen of them, and somehow, they looked a bit different from the ones | was used to

seeing. They looked bigger, with gaunt bodies radiating an energy that was capable of making even the

strongest of warriors scared. Instead of Nymeris retreating like how | would have done in my human form, she

stood her ground.

The Ferals began to circle her. Her lips curled back in a snarl as a deep growl rumbled from her chest.

Suddenly, they began to attack.

The first Feral lunged with its claws outstretched, but Nymeris was faster. She sidestepped the attack as easily as

one would a pup and then sank her teeth - she twisted mid-air, her powerful jaws closing around its throat,

snapping its bones with ease. A single shake and the Feral collapsed.

Another Feral charged from her left, but Nymeris spun, raking her claws across its face in a blur that was too fast

for someone liketo follow. Blood sprayed the ground as the Feral let out a pained yelp before collapsing.

Two more Ferals attacked simultaneously. Nymeris charged at them, using her tail to wrap one of them, sending

it flying into a nearby tree. As its spine shattered, she closed her jaw around the skull of the second one and in

seconds, it was lying dead.

The remaining Ferals hesitated, their red eyes flickering with uncertainty. For at moment, | honestly thought they

would retreat, but they charged head-on, all of them at once. Nymeria met them.

She leapt into the small group of Ferals, positioning herself in their centre. Soon, it was a whirlwind of claws

ripping through flesh, her jaws snapping down with bone-crushing force. One Feral tried to flank her, but she

picked it up with her tail and slammed it to the ground.

Another Feral latched onto her hind leg, but Nymeris whipped around and crushed its skull with a bite. The battle

was fierce and brutal, with Nymeris suffering minimal bites and scratches here and there, but her strength was

unmatched. Her movements were impossibly fast and fluid.

I'd watched Ramsey attack those Ferals at my father’s funeral, and since he was a Lycan, | thought he was fast,

but watching and feeling my wolf move through each Feral thrice

154 Nymers R

One by one, the Ferals fell until the clearing was silent except for the sound of Nymeria’s heavy breathing.

Suddenly, her ears picked up another faint scratch, and with the fluidity of an Eagle, she leapt onto one of the

tall trees.

In seconds, she tackled a Trinax to the ground. Immediately, she went for its face, squashing its irregular, almost

obscure face with both hindlegs and forelegs.

In a few minutes, she was done - the Trinax lay on the ground, not moving.

Her eyes scanned the clearing silently as if she was expecting more Ferals, but after a few minutes, nothing

happened. She sighed as the tension left her body. Not a single blood was on her fur. Aside from the scratches,

she looked like she’d just arrived.

| felt a strange mix of awe and horror as | stared at the dead bodies of all the Ferals. | just did that -and my

wolf. How | had gone from an innocent girl to a mass killer in seconds stunned me.

Then, Nymeris began dragging the bodies of the Ferals, wrapping saround her tail, towards the edge of the

clearing. As we reached the tree line, my breath hitched. There, close to the base of one of the trees, was a

growing pile of decaying Feral bodies.

Nymeris dropped the last Feral onto the pile and stood back, her chest heaving. | stared at the gruessight,

my mind racing. How many had Nymeris killed? How long had this been happening without my knowledge?

“The Ferals are growing stronger, and they seem to have taken note of all the places where there are no warriors

stationed,” Nymeris’s voice filtered into my mind. “So, for a few days, there was no incident or attack, but

they've been infiltrating into White Moon through this route.”

“And you've been fighting them?” | asked.

“Yes! There was no way to tell you so you could tell anyone or bring it to the notice of the Warriors, not that

they'd be able to fight the Ferals. Anyways... we need to start heading back. It’s almost morning.”

“Wait, Nymeris!” | called out to her, still trying to wrap my head around everything. “So, all those nights when

you transformed without my knowledge, all those wounds and body aches and all of it was because you were

fighting Ferals?”

“Yes! Someone had to do it, and what better person than me? We need to head back


| just stood there, still trying to understand everything, when the sound of footsteps

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| just stood there, still trying to understand everything, when the sound of footsteps approaching us snapped me

out of my reverie.

Coming out from the forest were a group of Lycan warriors, and at the front leading them was no other but


| froze for a moment as his eyes locked onto Nymeris, who stood there unfazed before his gaze flicked past her

to the pile of bodies, then back to her again.

“What in the goddess’s name...” he muttered, stepping forward.

“We need to leave,” | muttered to Nymeris.

“Relax, Lyla... he doesn’t know it's you

| watched as he stopped in front of her, his eyes shining with admiration and awe. “What are you?” he asked,

slowly reaching out for her. Nymeris didn’t flinch or anything, instead she allowed Ramsey to touch us.

“Aren’t you the most beautiful werewolf I've ever seen? Did you do this? | mean...” Ramsey paused. “When | saw

you through the security cam earlier, | didn’t believe my eyes. | needed to cto see for myself. Can you

change back to your human form? At least letknow who you are.”

“Don’t you dare!” | snapped.

Nymeris ignored me. In response, she rubbed her body on his hands, placing her head tenderly in his

outstretched palm.

“What is that?” a voice said behind Ramsey. When | looked up, it was Lenny pointing at Nymeris’s tail.

“What is what?” Ramsey asked, still holding Nymeris awkwardly.

“Look at her tail. Isn’t that strange?”

“Leave, now!” | growled with annoyance.

“A minute more,” Nymeris purred, leaning into Ramsey.


Sighing, she turned, and before Ramsey could say another word, we disappeared into the forest.
