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The unwanted wife’s unexpected comeback

Chapter 1076
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Chapter 1076:

As the celebration continued and the newlyweds went to change, Pierre found his way to the dressing room. He

knocked softly.

A tense voice answered, “Who is it?”


Talia opened the door, her expression one of panic. Seeing Pierre, she hastily dried her tears and pushed him

away. “You need to leave now!”

It was then that Pierre noticed the bruises marring her shoulders and face, artfully concealed by makeup earlier.

His voice filled with anger. “Has he hurt you again?”

Talia shook her head miserably. “Pierre, please just go. I can’t involve you in this.”

Pierre's frustration was evident. “In a country where the law protects you, why are you still afraid of him? Talia,

you were fearless when we were together. What has changed?”

Talia collapsed to the floor, weeping. “Please, just leave.”

Pierre assisted her to her feet. “I'm calling the police.”

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Talia resisted, torn between fear and hope. She didn’t...

Pierre didn’t want to drag himself into her troubles, yet Talia desperately clung to this last strand of hope. The

struggle was brief before she yielded, embracing him and crying bitterly. Pierre's voice was resolute. “Don’t be

scared. I'll get the police. They'll handle it.”

As Talia’s sobs continued, Pierre supported her and turned to leave, only to encounter Nichol, who seemed to

have been waiting. His smile was menacing. “And where do you think you're going, my dear?”

Talia instinctively shrank back. Knowing Nichol’s unpredictable anger, she pushed Pierre away. “You have to


Yet, Pierre stood his ground, facing Nichol.

Although Pierre was more imposing than Nichol, Talia approached Nichol submissively. “He was just leaving.

We're old friends. Please don’t misunderstand,” Talia said in a low voice.

Nichol softly touched her hand. “Why would | misunderstand? But my dear, shouldn't you have changed your

dress by now?”

Talia’s face went pale, her voice strained. “I'll change right now.”

Talia bowed her head and walked

toward the changing room. Nichol

shot a mocking gleRoet Riefpel 1!

"Telia ahd {are married now. You're

too late, my friend. Perhaps in

another life, she could have been

yours.” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Pierre responded coldly, “Being

married doesn't ex seflomestic!

ATM PERS will you be

en the police are here?” The

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content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

At the mention of the police, Nichol

laughed more brazenly. “Domestic

violence? You mean the love marks

from our passionate n(ghts? Arent

coupled IiBWed their private games?

Don't police officers have private

lives too?” Nichol adjusted his

clothes, smirking, and walked toward

the changing room. “Besides, she’s

so docile. How could | possibly harm

her?” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!